Published by Byte Level Research Inc.
Happy International Translation Day
So many combinations of languages...
What an amazing community of Translators!
#translation #language #international
If inaccuracy & misleading are considered characteristics of AI, why would you consider it to be reliable?
#Human #communication is quite different than #computer #language. #Demonstratives & #indexicals #context #visuallanguage #referents #cultural are crucial to comprehension.
The highest level of scrutiny goes behind each #Multilingual #Forensic #Transcription and #Translation file because it is #evidence. This means there is no margin for error or the whole thing can be thrown out.
Language Fun Fact #19
Did you know Cantonese is the most used language for business around Southeast Asia?
Cantonese is #Spoken by more than 55 million people.
To learn more about languages spoken around the world, check out ATP's Language Locator ℠
ATP will have a booth at #MIT #Partners - 2024 IT Partners Conference on Tuesday, June 11
Learn about what we offer for language #services for #IT specialists @ MIT with respect to CLARA (C-L-A-R-A > #Communication of #Languages Assisted by Remote Access), #MAHT, and #HAMT.
#Human #communication is quite different than #computer #language. #Demonstratives and #indexicals #context #visuallanguage #referents #cultural significance play a big role in human language and comprehension.
#linguistics will not be easily replaced by #machinetranslation